httpclientAuthHelper is a library that I wrote that helps authenticate Httpclient 3 with services that use NTLM, KERBEROS and SSL authentication.
The design goal is to be as simple as possible to use. The library uses default configurations that apply to 99% of the use cases, so that the developer wont have to concern himself with the details of his chosen authentication mechanism.
The project has 3 parts:
- support NTLM v1 and NTLMv2 (httpclient3.x does not support NTLMv2 and supports NTLMv1 only with the JCFIS package )
- support KERBEROS without the need for any external configuration files (login.conf , krb.ini )
- support basic authenticaion
- route request through a proxy
support SSL in 3 modes-
- trust all certificates (only for testing),
- trust JDK truststore (cacerts),
- trust your own custom truststore
various tools
- logging for security
- adding cryptography providers
- use browser user agent
- handle gzipped response and more ...
How to use?
Example A: connect to a service that requires NTLMv2 auth and has an expired self signed certificate
DefaultHttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
CredentialsUtils.setNTLMCredentials(client, new UsernamePasswordCredentials("xxx", "xxx"), "mydomain");
Example B: Connect to a service that requires KERBEROS auth
, has a certificate that is trusted by the JDK trust store and accepts only browser user agents.
Also, log the kerberos handshake
DefaultHttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
CredentialsUtils.setKerberosCredentials(client, new UsernamePasswordCredentials("xxx", "xxx"), "domain", "kdc");
support httpclient 4
open for suggestions